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Parents & Students

Parent Center

Hello Broncos!  My name is Therese Butial and I’m the Parent Liaison at Osteen Elementary, and my primary role is to bridge the gap between home and school.

Osteen Elementary has a Parent Center that is located in Building 3, Room 304 that offers a variety of games you can check out to take home to enjoy with your family, websites, and a food bank for anyone in need of some assistance. We also can provide school uniforms. The hours in the Parent Center vary so please call and set up a time with me to visit the Parent Center. I look forward to meeting and working with you this year!​

Box Tops Reminder: Download the Box Top app, shop as you normally would, then simply scan your receipt. The app will automatically credit our school.

Therese Butial, Parent Liaison ​

(407)688 – 9555 Ex 43067​

504/PST Contacts


Foundations for Success (CGI Florida) Program

Teachers at Osteen Elementary are participating in a research study conducted by Florida State University to better understand how a professional learning program for teachers called Cognitively Guided Instruction impacts mathematics teaching and learning. You have the right to have your child’s information withheld from the study if you do not wish to participate. Please review the parental notification letter here for more information about the study. Parental Notification Letter ​

Parents & Students Resources